It all
began when the Rebus Mercenarial Services decided to expand their
reach and hire more mercenaries.
of those new recruits was Rick, a young college graduate, who would
have been a sport journalist if he hadn't seen the flier for the
RMS. Rick tested fairly decently in all subjects, especially negotiation,
so was given command of his own team.
Intelligence Officer is Emily, who previously was a desk jockey
for the RMS until she hacked into the RMS Mainframe. This assignment
is her 'punishment.'
Combat Specialist is Roy, the only member who has a few years as
a mercenary under his belt. He previously served under his father's
command until he retired.
our heroes travel the universe, fullfilling missions given to them
by the RMS. Their success rate, so far, is rated at 'decent,' ranking
them at 783 out of 1462.